Tarantula Facts

tarantula facts

Some Fascinating Tarantula Facts

  • Tarantulas, although might give some the creeps are virtually harmless to humans. Although venomous, the poison is only strong enough to kill preys its own size or smaller. There have yet to be any cases of fatality due to tarantula bites, however fact is that some individuals may suffer a more severe symptoms due to allergies thus it is still advised to seek medical attention when bitten.
  • When Tarantulas feel threatened, you will notice they lift up their front legs into the air and even extending their fangs. If the pursuer continues, some species might even make a loud hissing sound. If that fails, tarantulas will then turn around with their abdomen facing the pursuer and start urticating hairs.
  • Like all spiders, tarantulas molt in order to grow, this happens several times during its life cycle. During this process, understand that your pet tarantula undergoing a very stressful and difficult process. Although this process does not happen to all tarantula, don’t be alarmed when it does.
  • In general, lifespans of tarantulas range anywhere from 5 – 20 years. Also to be noted is that females then to live a lot longer than their male counter parts. Check out the different tarantula species section (top of page) that are recommended for beginners along with specific information on them.
  • Always keep tarantulas separate! If this procedure is not followed you might end up with one really fat tarantula or 2 severely insured ones. Either options are not recommend. This does not apply if you are mating/breeding them.
  • Tarantulas are known for their regenerative properties, if your spider is missing a leg or two it can be regenerated during the molting process. Although the new legs will be smaller and not as usable as the original.
  • When Tarantulas are dead, they are usually right side up and have legs curled up under their bodies. Unlike molting where tarantulas turn on their back.


source: wikipedia, tarantulas